Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
We all are living in very exciting time!
The world is changing, so we are.
We all are tired of suppressing ourselves
and our true essence of love.
We all are yearning for freedom and wild
expression of our emotions, and our true essence.
We are seeking to celebrate our sexuality.
Men are rising up!
The King who was hidden behind the stone
walls of his pain and human condition is rising up and merging with his Royal
He is rising above his brutal societal
programming which is designed to keep him enslaved.
He is healing himself,
with deep
understanding and loving compassion to the pain and suffering he has been
He is taking full responsibility to the wounds he has acquired and
honour the light that passes through them.
And how do we raise our boys?
Society tears their balls off!
Turning the men into harmless puppies, they are easy to manipulate and control.
Many of them become doormats.
For those men
whose balls are strong and whose testosterone is high, they are resorting to aggression
and violence, often against women and kids-
for they are unable to deal with the
suppression of their masculinity and sexuality that society has demanded.
They do not have the courage to exude the
amazing magic of being attuned to the energy that moves them.
moves them to greater self-expressions, to intimate communication and personal bliss.
Meanwhile, the healthy balanced awakened
man is a man who has deeply embodied the gift of his dark masculine and is
mindfully balancing his darkness and his light.
He is at home with the
amalgamation of Masculine and Feminine in his dance to becoming.
So dear brothers remember this:
Your killer is sexy.
Your conscious expression of sexuality is
I sooo wish
can awaken to
their inner Warrior:
The peaceful killer ❤️.
So many men
behave like girls these days.
When they do so,
polarity is gone
and attraction is lost…
It is sooooo sexy
when men,
instead of
suppressing their huge sexual energy
into anger and destruction,
or turning themselves into girls,
they turn their sexual energy
The Peaceful Warrior-
The Lover
The King…
“So she could scream in ecstasy:
‘I sooooo love when you kill that cockroach
for me!!”
Then they merge in delightful passionate
dance of Divine Lovers.
‘I love the Killer and Destroyer in You!’
Again, dear brothers:
We love your dark warrior and his snacking
gifts of fun, courage and his ability to move into actions-
to protect us when
We love feeling small beside you!
There had been enough separation! Enough
finger-pointing and misunderstandings!
We were all hurt in our childhood.
We all have been healing.
Deep inside, men are as much hurt without
being able to deeply emotionally connect to us, women,
as much as us.
Without them.,
we are all tired and sick
of suppressing our true essence of love for
so long.
The King is coming to his full power!
Ladies and Gentlemen.
He is not running away,
washed out by his feelings, like a wounded
boy, scared of his mom – screaming in pain;
Neither he is collapsing into his mind
like a heartbroken puppy.
He steps up into his Royal power-
and his Queen,
and the whole world
surrenders .
To his Royal Love ❤️
There is no way
The Queen
Could resist her King 👑
The King
does not take rejection-
Not from her, nor from the world.
He is irresistible.
He is in full control if his emotions, and
his mind: and has mastered his powers:
The Warrior
The Lover
The Magician
The King 👑
He stands up in his full power-
In deep love and devotion for his Queen and
for the World 🌎
He is the King 👑
He is beautiful.
Your killer is sexy.
Your consciousness sexuality expression is
I sooo wish men
to awaken
their inner warrior:
The peaceful Killer ❤️
So many men
behave like girls these days…
When they do so,
polarity is gone-
and attraction is lost…
It is soo sexy
when men-
Instead of
suppressing their huge sexual energy –
into anger and destroyer,
or turning yourself into girls –
Turn their sexual energy
into peaceful Warrior-
The Lover
The King
The peacemaker-
The protector of weak
So she could scream in ecstasy:
‘I soo love when you kill that cockroach
for me!!’-
So she the Queen, his lover- could go onto
deep surrender-
as he is coming with the King 👑 code:
‘I want to create
With God and with you, O Devi 🙏🏻’
The whole world are his children.
He loves everyone- but he is not naive.
He has embodied the darkness and the light.
Inner masculine and feminine is balanced
within him.
He is in deep devotion- to his lover, the
Queen 👑
And in surrender to Divine, to God.
His intentions are of pure Love ❤️
He comes with the Royal code:
‘I am here.
I am fully present with you.
You are important.
You are safe.
I am not running anywhere.
I have got your back.
We are in it together, you and I.’
The world bows to his Royal powers
and then Us, the divine lovers –
are merging in
ecstasy- in divine delightful passionate
dance of Love.
We are beautiful,
We are
Love ❤️
Sofia Romanoff
Published: January 2025