Let he who is without sin cast the first stone - Ancient Soul Life

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

A call to take an honest look within every time we judge others. We are all imperfect and yet judgment is a toxic trait that keeps a world divided and destroys relationships before they begin.


Judge and ye shall be judged


A warning and affirmation of a universal law. What we give we receive, and as what we would criticize in others is a reflection of ourselves, our sense of shame should be greater. Whatever irritates us, triggers us, and angers us about others is in fact our shadow. This is not something to avoid or run from but a gift, an opportunity to learn and grow in our self-awareness. The parts of ourselves we bury are in fact demons we must face to free ourselves and open our hearts.


Every being has their own path, their own history, and their own scars that shaped them and this is something that none of us know or can appreciate. We do not know their story so any impression we have is actually only our perspective. It lacks the intelligence to see them as they are, unique and barer of their own wisdom. It is a dualistic stance to judge others whilst wishing to be accepted for who we are.


Life is about change and evolution, if we are not growing we are stagnant or dying. Every second, every sunrise we are changing, we are gifted the opportunity to be who and whatever we want and so our feelings and thoughts alter moment by moment. Our hopes and dreams change like the seasons, or at least how we relate to them will.


A photograph of the ocean is a moment captured in time and will never exist in precisely the same way ever again. To imagine that image is how it always exists would remove the mystery and magic of the sea, the power of the other elements and ignore the possibility that anyone could perceive it any other way. People are the same.


Only by being truly present in a moment or with another person can we experience their true essence. Only by walking with open hearts and minds can the slate be wiped clean and allow the infinite possibilities to be experienced.


The only positive changes to be made are within so they can be experienced without. Criticism, judgment, and attempting to force change in others based on a closed and selfish perception only harm your ability to accept yourself and love yourself as you are. Embrace the present moment, and enjoy the beauty of every unique spark of life. Accept its truth now because nothing will ever be the same again.

Martin Cobern
Published: January 2025
Acknowledgment: Special thanks to Phil for their insight and inspiration in shaping this piece.